February 28th is National Rare Disease Day. Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA) is a rare disease affecting approximately 5,000 people in the US and 15,000 people world-wide. Therefore, the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) has created a virtual event to raise awareness for FA!
Join Team Kendall in the Move YOUR Way for Rare Disease Day virtual event on Facebook, and post photos of yourselves, family, friends, coworkers and classmates moving under your own power.
Here is how you can participate:
1.You have from now until February 28th to get moving! Each person decides how they want to move. This can be the person living with FA and/ or someone moving in his/ her honor. Go for a bike ride, take a swim, go jogging, dance around your living room, go for a walk, hit the gym, do some yoga, make up a cheer – do whatever you like to do to get moving!
2.While you are doing your favorite movement, wear your Rare Disease Day Bib! The number ‘15,000’ displayed on the bib is in honor of the 15,000 people living with FA worldwide. Download and print your Move YOUR Way bib number to wear during your activity here.
3.Take pictures or a video of you/your group getting active and moving while sporting your bib numbers. Post the photos and/or videos to: www.facebook.com/MoveYOURWay. In your post, tell us about your movement! Tell us where you're moving, how you're moving, who is moving with you, why you're moving, etc.!
4. Hashtag it up! Use: #MoveYOURway #RareDisease #TeamKendall #CureFA
Have fun with this event! Recruit people to move with you! Whether they are pictured moving with you or you inspire someone to move in their own way- the more people involved, the more the effort grows. The more the effort grows, the more awareness is raised for rare diseases. Please reach out to family, friends, co-workers, your school, gym, community groups...etc. Please feel free to refer people to my website to learn more about FA.
Thank you for your support, friends! I can’t wait to see your “Move YOUR Way” pictures! And if you haven’t already, “Like” Team Kendall on Facebook!